My name is J.J. Jenneson and I'm  a shamanic healer and life coach. I'm also an author of Walking Through Fire. My book is available to buy on Amazon in kindle and paperback format.


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My Journey

I have been on a spiritual path for a long time. I just knew that I wanted to make changes and I have had many challenges throughout my life from childhood, and now I realised that it was to help me upon my own spiritual journey so that I could assist others who were going through their own fires. One of the epitaph that I had was that I needed to face my own trauma and this was what prompted me to write my book so people would feel less alone.  

I stepped out of fear and reclaimed my truth. This is what I would like to assist you with on your own spiritual journey however it may look like. My book Walking Through Fire is a memoir of how I left a narcissitic marriage and embraced my own shamanic power. I can help you with empowerment, I've walked through many metaphorically fires and lived to tell my story. I'll help you with your own spiritual awakening with shamanic tool that I've learnt on my journey.  Are you confused about your life purpose, are you dealing with a toxic situation and can't see a way out. I've been there and I'm the proof that things don't have to be like that. I can help you to find clarity by using tried and tested methods.


Listen to me reading my chapter of my book.

Listen to this exciting episode of the Published Author with special guest JJ Jenneson. Author of Walking Through Fire.